Personal Data: Any information relating to you in connection with your application, including but not limited to your surname, first name, home address, telephone number, training, professional experience, diplomas, distinctions, interview reports, etc., and more generally any information and Personal Data you volunteer in connection with your application;

Processing of Personal Data: Any operation or set of operations, whether or not carried out using automated processes and applied to Personal Data, such as collection, recording, storage, consultation or communication by any means;

Data Controller or NEWREST : NEWREST GROUP SERVIVES SAS, a French company registered under the number RCS Toulouse: 831 790 787, having its registered office at 61 boulevard Lazare Carnot 31000 Toulouse, France;

Subcontractor or BANKESS: BANKESS, a company incorporated under the laws of simplified joint stock company and registered under the number RCS: 408 744 274, having its registered office at 40 Rue Madeleine Michelis 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine;



By completing the form on this site, you consent to the processing of personal information about you and authorize NEWREST, in its capacitý of Data Controller, to collect and process Personal Data about you in its database.

NEWREST informs you that it may also enrich your profile with information about you, namely information collected (i) during exchanges with you, whether written, by telephone or in person, and (ii) from professional social networks or from any public information source, when this information is useful for managing your application.

This information is processed for the purpose of managing your application. Your data may also be included in a CV database, which will enable NEWREST to offer you other vacancies, where appropriate.

To facilitate external and internal recruitment NEWREST uses DigitalRecruiters software, published́ by the companý BANKESS, to distribute job offers, collect applications and manage them.

Given its purposé, consisting of processing the Personal Data of candidates responding to job offers and the integration of data on candidates within NEWREST's CV library, the processing of your Personal Data is necessary for the pursuit of NEWREST's legitimate interests, namely the management of its recruitment processes, as well as the performance of pre-contractual measures that may exist between NEWREST and candidates responding to its job offers.

These data are hosted in France and will be transmitted to NEWREST's recruitment staff to enable them to consider your application.

Answers to fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory, and failure to do so may jeopardize the processing of your application. In other cases, they are optional and have no impact on the examination of your application.

By accepting the conditions of this Charter, you authorize NEWREST to communicate, if necessary, your Personal Data to other companies of the group, including those possibly located outside the European Union, for the needs of the management of your candidature and the enrichment of its CVthèque. NEWREST declares that it has taken the necessary measures to control transfers outside the European Union and to protect your Personal Data.



The Personal Data of external candidates will be kept for a maximum period of 1 (one) year after the last contact with our recruitment department, the notion of last contact being understood as the date on which you consented to the collection of your data. In the case of internal applications, data will be kept for as long as the employee remains with the company.

We inform you that Personal Data concerning you is computerized and processed in a confidential manner, securitý and confidentialitý guarantees having been taken to preserve Personal Data placed online.

In its capacitý as NEWREST's subcontractor, the companý BANKESS is authorized to access your Personal Data when necessary, in particular as part of its missions to administer and maintain the Companý careers site and the application management tool, but may not communicate this Personal Data to its own subcontractors without first obtaining the Companý's agreement. BANKESS may be required to transmit your Personal Data to a judicial authoritý, upon the latter's requisition.



NEWREST has taken all necessary precautions to protect the security of Personal Data and, in particular, to prevent it from being distorted or damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties.



You may at any time exercise your right to object on legitimate grounds, as well as your rights of access, rectification and deletion of Personal Data concerning you by writing to the following address:



In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, amended by European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of Personal Data, you have a set of rights for the management of your Personal Data:

Right of access. You may ask NEWREST to confirm whether Personal Data transferred to us concerning you are or are not processed by our services. If it is, you may request a copy of it.

Right of rectification. You can ask NEWREST, by the various means at your disposal, to modify your inaccurate information on its database.

Right to erasure. You may request NEWREST to delete your personal data from our databases.

Right of opposition and withdrawal of consent. If you no longer wish to be included in our database, you can exercise one of these rights at any time.

Right to limit processing. You may request the suspension of processing concerning you for the time required for verification (e.g. for the exercise of the right to object, NEWREST must verify whether there are legitimate grounds for continuing the processing).

Right to portability. This is the right to have one's Personal Data transmitted, in a structured, commonly used and computer-readable format, to ourselves or to another Data Controller, where technically possible.

Right to complain to the CNIL. In any case and as necessary, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL, Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (



NEWREST reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy to conform to changes in applicable laws and regulations. Changes will be notified via our website or by email.



This Privacy Policy is governed by French law. Any dispute relating to it shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Toulouse.